Personal Data Protection Law
As Mersin Yat Limani İşletmeleri A.Ş.
(“Company”), we pay attention to customer privacy and accordingly to the
processing and storage of all kinds of data belonging to our customers. We
collect and record the personal data of our company employees, business
partners, boat owners, and third parties, as the "data controller",
within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law”) and the
relevant legislation.
1- Collection, Processing and Processing Purposes of
Personal Data
Your data
collected automatically or non-automatically is processed in accordance with
the following items by the Company.
Name, Surname, TR Identity Number, Birthday, Birthplace, Home and Work
Address, Gender, Phone Number, E-mail Address, Visa or Passport Information, Driving
License and Plate, Occupation, Education Status, Marital status.
Your credit card, Account number, and IBAN information.
Your audio and visual data that can be obtained in electronic or
non-electronic ways.
Your CV and other personal data provided when you apply for Mersin Yat
Limani İşletmeleri A.Ş.
If you are an employee or related, all your personal data regarding your
service contract and job aptitude.
Your other data obtained if you use our website and social media
To be able to carry out notifications and statements to be main
institutions, relevant institutions, organizations and authorized transactions,
audits, and investigations. To fulfill legal requirements.
Mersin Yat Limani İşletmeleri A.Ş. ensuring that mutual invoices are
issued for the services provided by the company and that the appropriate
distribution regime and relevant legislation are kept.
Being able to provide special marketing activities and communicate with
customers for promotions, campaigns, opportunities, announcements, and other
information focused on yacht owners, tenants, and customers.
In addition, within the framework of our legal obligations arising from
the relevant legislation, especially Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of
Publications Made on the Internet and the Fight Against Crimes Committed
Through These Publications and related legislation, Law No. 6563 on the
Regulation of Electronic Commerce and related legislation, the Identity
Notification Law No. 1774, the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 and the Law on the
Protection of Personal Data No. 6698; Your personal data is also processed in
order to ensure that our legal obligations can be fulfilled.
2- Transfer
of Personal Data
To provide you with various advantages
and to send all kinds of electronic communication and other communication
messages for promotion, sales, marketing, information, promotion, campaign
notification, membership transactions, preparation of employee personnel files,
and fulfillment of our legal obligations, Mersin Yat Limanı İşletmeleri A.Ş.
collected, recorded, processed, stored and also may be shared with relevant
ministries, directorates, official institutions and organizations, regulatory
and supervisory institutions, Social Security Institution, insurance companies,
lawyers, tax consultants and auditors third parties and other third parties.
3- Security
of Your Personal Data
All personal data you have shared with
Mersin Yat Limanı İşletmeleri A.Ş. will be kept confidential in our company's
database in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. It will
not be shared with third parties unless deemed necessary. When the reason
requiring processing of your data disappears or the period specified by the
relevant laws expires, it will be deleted, destroyed, or made anonymous by us
and it can continue to be used. Our company takes the necessary precautions to
protect personal data from unauthorized access to information systems and
unlawful data processing and to prevent the loss, misuse, disclosure,
alteration, or destruction of this information. Although the company takes the
necessary precautions, if personal data is damaged or obtained by third parties
as a result of attacks on the website and system, this situation will be
immediately reported to you and the Personal Data Protection Board.
4. Your Rights
According to the Personal Data Protection Law
Your rights in accordance with the
Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 are as follows; learning whether your
data is processed, requesting information if personal data has been processed,
learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for
their intended purpose, knowing the third parties to whom personal data are transferred
at home or abroad, requesting correction of personal data if they are
incomplete or incorrectly processed, requesting the deletion or destruction of
personal data, requesting the correction of personal data in case of incomplete
or incorrect processing and/or notification of the transactions regarding the
deletion or destruction of personal data to third parties to whom personal data
have been transferred, against the person himself by analyzing the processed
data exclusively through automatic systems and the right to object to a result
and to request compensation in case of damage due to unlawful processing of
personal data.
You can
contact us by sending an e-mail to to exercise your
rights and to make changes or updates about the personal data that you have